Hi there !!
I have been instructed by my darling wife that we need a new entertainment unit for our bedroom.
Problem one the typical units won’t fit because of the ceiling angles in the room. So we have come up with a plan, well she did
Now its my job to put her vision into reality. 🙂
So today we went to the local mill and got some ROUGH cut wood 🙂 NO PRESS-BOARD for us. !!
Our list consisted of 1 4×4, 6 1×6, and a couple 2×6. And because it came from the mill its going to have to dry out a little. 🙂
So here is the wood , and please prey for me 🙂
UPDATE March 3rd Assembly begins.
Hello everyone On March 3rd we began our assembly of our custom entertainment unit.
But before we did that we did a lot of prep for the rough wood we got from our local mill. We had to sand down the rough finish you get from a mill. That’s why its less expensive than getting finished wood from a lumber store. Plus we just wanted to try something new 🙂
We decided not to use the 4×4’s and made the decision to choose 2×12’s for the sides.
First we use the 2×6 for the top.
Since the wood we bought from the mill is rough cut it was up to us to remove the rough finish. Since I don’t have a wood planer, I made this Wood Planer Jig to remove the rough surface of the 2×6 that we are using for the top of our unit.
Once the planing was done and the inside joints were prepared with the router to make sure the two boards join tight. I used a self centering doweling jig to get a tight joint. Then i used straps to tighten the boards together and make a solid joint.
It was my first time this jig and as long as you line up the holes straight you’ll just need a rubber mallet to tap the boards together. Then sanding ,sanding and more sanding.
Get a good supply of sanding discs for your orbital sander. You are going to need them 🙂
After all the sanding we had a great looking top for our unit and stained.
Next was making spacers from 2×12 boards of cedar. We cut into chunks 10×12. Then sanded, and sanded.
I used my Kreg Jig to drill pocket holes to fasten the cedar blocks to the lower shelf on each outer side and the middle.
Here is the Left , Middle and Right. I also used cedar 4×4 cut into 3 inch cubes for the feet.
We put two 1×6’s on top of the cedar chunks to make our second shelf. Then three more 2×12 slabs preparing for the top shelf.
Finished entertainment unit,
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