Hello and welcome to Spring !! The time is coming for outdoor builds. This one is a different style of garden benches than i did last year. This time i’m using two boards for the legs instead of just one, and i can get a better overall look.
For my project i’m using some reclaimed cedar fence boards for the legs. I cut each leg to 16 inches. It seems to be a comfortable height.
Then measure in 2 inches, that will be your foot width. Use your chop saw and set it at 45 degrees, it doesn’t matter which way you set it to the left or right. Just make sure your boards are flush and even when you cut leaving the 2 inches for the foot. You’ll end up with two sets like this
Next is two take your pallet board and measure the width of the top of your legs so you can attach them together. Your measurements will vary slightly depending on the type of wood you are going to use.
Its always easier to show you than to try and explain the steps 🙂
Make sure your top and sides are all even and flush. I use gorilla wood glue, and my Ryobi Air strike nail gun to attach the pallet cross stringer. I also screwed the wood together even though the nails and glue would have been enough.
I’m building these for life outside. 🙂
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Here are the ends all ready for the cross members that will make up the length of the bench.
I choose to use the pallet wood once again for this part. I set the length at an even 2 feet.
Once i cut and sanded the two boards , I turned the ends upside down so I could keep everything flush and level.
This is the easiest way I found to keep the sides at 90 degrees. Once again I used my nail gun to hold the parts together so I could screw them together when everything was aligned.
Now that everything is level and flush the only remaining step is of course the seat. Here could choose to do either the length or the width of the bench. I decided to do one of each.
My first bench i used pallet wood and attached them along the length of the bench.
- On an added note I also included small inner braces to the legs to keep them even.
My other bench i decided to use some fence board off cuts to make the seat .
Hope everyone has as much fun with this build as I did 🙂
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