Hello everyone !! Well after some trial and error I came up with a suitable way to make raised bowl holders that i can easily customize.
I haven’t done it with this particular job but it all a process. You have to try and fail in order to learn and succeed.
I had a client request for a large bowl with a bowl diameter – 9 3/4 in., chest height – 14 in.
I’ll explain how i got such a large diameter hole done in another post, but the solution was a little creative 🙂
For the frame i used 2×4’s. For the top rails i used 2×2’s . It had to support the large diameter holes so the wood wouldn’t cave in. Then i just finished off the sides with 1×4’s. I burned all the wood as per clients request.
I also only used screws and non toxic glue. I didn’t fill the holes as it kept the rough look. I also sanded down with 220 grit sand paper to give the whole unit a soft smooth finish.
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