HI !!!!! Its May 24th 2017 and I’ve just taken my next big step in the world of Blogging and the development of my site and business !!
I’m so excited 🙂 I’m sure many bloggers know how to create affiliate links with amazon and other companies. So please bear with me as i’m totally a newbie to this 🙂
Any advice will be helpful.
So this is just a regular post no links yet. It was quite a process to set up an affiliate link to amazon. You need to have your tax number ready if you have one.
Your website, and a small description of what you are all about when applying. And if you are a US citizen and some other related stuff. Including your banking info.
I had no idea what i was doing so i Just filled it out as best i could. Then there was a Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for United Sales Tax Withholding and Reporting.
What ever that is, then the GST Canadian Tax Stuff.
To be honest I have NO idea what i was doing but i did the best i could, and the Canadian Govt is only really interested in you when you start earning 30K. So for now I’m just going to keep track.
Always write down and make a file my DAD tried to teach me. So hopefully I wont stumble with this too much.
Today i received a pallet buster i ordered from Amazon. I find Amazon way easier to use and pay for stuff that Ebay. Just my personal opinion. This is a screen capture of the Pallet buster i got.
The price is better than most others I’ve seen and WOW is it built !! As with anything there is a little bit of a learning curve. How NOT to break your pallet boards.
I had two pallets that i would have used a circular saw to cut up what i wanted, but the pallets were in really good condition and i have plans that require more of the full length boards intact.
My review of this Pallet Buster so far is …. Its heavy and well built . The bottom part where you slide between the stringers actually swivel so the pressure on either side of the board remains level and constant which is a nice surprise. Considering I had no idea what to expect.
It made short work of two pallets !! Minus time figuring out how to work it , the busting of pallets took only maybe 10 to 15 minutes.
I didn’t take pictures of the stringers but here is what was left of the pallets. Mostly intact.
Just some hammering to do to get rid of the nails. Some boards are cracked but its because of previous cracks in the boards, and of course figuring it all out. ITS A TIME and BACK SAVER!!
With all the DIY ways to take apart pallets, my suggestion is to make a little investment in a proper Pallet Buster. Because your time is valuable and you have to work as efficiently as possible especially when you’re starting out like I am 🙂
I will be adding a picture of the nail removing jig i made. It will make this tedious task go much faster, so you can move on to what we all want to do and that’s BUILD !! 🙂
Let the games and new projects begin !!
See you soon 🙂
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