When you build you need new tools and equipment, one of which is a spray booth for professional finishes. There are many DIY variations for spray booths and how they are made. I decided to make one from pallet wood.
I used one picture from Pinterest as inspiration for my spray booth.
These are pictures of my finished DIY Spray Booth with air filter.
I like the fact that this had a wood frame, and a spot at the back for a filter and fan to draw out the fumes and spray particles. This is covered in a light plastic drop sheets which i think wouldn’t last long. But the overall set up is good.
I’ll be updating this post soon with my booth build
UPDATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!
School is back in session and now I have a little free time to update.
My idea was to use pallets to make the frame of my spray booth along with some 2x4s for the height. I used one of the best tools I’ve ever purchased to make the frame. The tool is the Kreg Jig.
I set my Kreg Jig to its maximum setting at an 1.5 inches. I’m not going to go through how to set up the Kreg Jig in this post. But if you are interested in the Kreg Jig there are several tutorials about the Kreg Jig.
I used the pallet wood as the top and bottom cross stringers for the frame. This sets your width easily, since each stringer is already set at 4 feet. All I had to do was come up with the height for my spray booth, which is 6ft high.
Now it was easy to make the sides and back frames.
I simply attached the pallet stringers to the 2×4’s that would create the height of the spray booth.
Here is one of the 3 frames i need for the spray booth. This way it will be easy to set up and take down.
Now that i had all three frames made I had to make one the back and measure where i will be setting up the air filter.
The frame is set up, with wood tabs to hold the sides and back together.
Now that the corners are all set up I just added the covering which is a simple tarp that you would use for camping, add the frame for the filter and its ready to rock and roll.
A simple DIY spray booth increases your finish and bring it up to professional levels without spending tons of money on a spray booth.
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