Hello all.. Its Saturday Feb 13th the day before Valentines Day and I’ve been very very busy building for spring.. The orders pile up quickly. I’m making raised garden beds. But I’m making from reclaimed CLEAN pallets. Its not hard to find the clean ones just ask the businesses that your look at. They will […]
Too many Builds and Little Blog Time
You know when things are getting better when you have build orders and little time to blog. 🙂
So I’m going to do a catch up post now. But if your looking for up to date posts you should look at my Instagram account.
Just recently I had an order to make a couple of treasure chest style trunks.
As with 90% of my builds now I’ve learned to make the sides first. This way you have the height and width of your build complete.
This is just the way I do my projects, there are many different ways others may do their own.. All I can suggest is look at what others are doing and try it.
If you figure your own way, that’s great. It just makes your project more you. Because every blogger and DIY person finds their style.
Sorry NO Progress pictures on this post but i’ll update it on the next build.
So this time i was using new wood. Mainly 1×4’s , 2×2’s and some 1×6 stock wood.
So with this project i started to get the info the client wanted for the TOTAL height , Length, and Width. When i had the height they wanted i first reduced it by 6 inches since thats the height of the CURVED LID.
The first step for me is to cut the legs to the proper height. Then add your side wood. For me this would be the 1×4’s As it turns out i used 5 boards for each of the sides.
The next step is to cut for the length, what would become the front and back of the chest. that was 30 inches.
When this is all done you would have a box with no bottom. 🙂
I used 1×2’s and measured the inside bottom of the box. Cut the 1×2 to length and screw and glue FROM THE INSIDE. This hides the screw heads inside.
Next was to install the bottom of the trunk. I decided the bottom would be stronger if i ran the boards front to back instead of length ways left to right. It was simple job of measuring inside fron to back and cut the boards. I also used my nail gun and wood glue for each board.
The top would be a little more tricky with the curve BUT i had a template from a previous build… It was used for my first treasure chest build. Like the turn I made this time but smaller.
For the curved sides i used the 1×6 wood. The kind of wood is completely up to your client. Simply copy your template onto the new wood your using for your project.
Having a jig-saw is extremely useful for this, it would be on the must have list for any diy person.
Once you have both pieces cut, you need to sand them so they are as close to being the same curve as possible.
Then its a simple job to attach the wood onto the curved sides. I used 1×4’s and 1×2’s for the curve. Then yes once again sand it down as much as you can to give your top the curve feel.
Sand, and sand .. and sand some more and when you place the top on the box part it should fit perfect on top… Don’t worry too much about the wood being a touch off.
Wood is not perfect. But you can sand both together to get that perfect fit.